Unleash Data Commerce Mastery: Create Sales Lists That Hit the Mark

Harness the power of extensive consumer, homeowner, and B2B databases to tailor your outreach with precision.

The Problem We Solve...

How It Works...

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Insurance Industry Use-Case

ERC & MCA - B2B Use-Case

Have you already purchased leads but the contact information is outdated or missing cell phones? Let us run your leads through our Avocadata Process and give them new life!!

Explore the Avocadata Data Enrichment Service

Elevate Your Sales with our Proprietary Avocadata Method  Gets You Fresh, Primary Sourced Data That gets you to the Decision Makers Fast.

Verified Consumer
(B2C) Leads

  • Wireless Phone

  • ​Landline

  • ​Email

  • ​Current Address

  • ​Previous Addresses

  • ​Age

  • ​Income

  • ​Family

Verified Business
(B2B) Leads

  • Everything in B2C
  • ​Industry
  • ​Number of Employees
  • ​Geographic Information
  • ​NAICS
  • ​Officers & Directors
  • Business Owners

Verified Homeowner
& Property

  • ​Everything in B2C
  • ​Purchased Price
  • ​Purchase Year
  • Assessed Value
  • ​Assessed Year
  • ​Tax Due
  • ​Income Level
  • ​Property Permitting (If available)

Results From Previous Clients

Tony Camero, ERC Sales Pro
Francheska Alejandro
Mitch Fields

Activate Your FREE Account Today: Data Filtering & Sales List Creation at Your Fingertips

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